Alameda County VOICES Chapter
Although we kicked off our committee in May 2019, we stayed really busy until the pandemic hit in January 2020 and our building was shut down soon after. We have focused our efforts into classes and workshops to benefit our community.
Our 2019 workshops included:
Homeless to Homeownership: Focus was sustainable housing from affordable leased housing to affordable homeownership.
Pathways to College: Focus was on college readiness and help paying for it
IEP workshop for parents: Focus was to educate parents of children with disabilities
Daffodil planting: Focus was to honor and remember those lost to gender based violence. Also meant as a mental health and bonding activity for members.(City of Oakland and Eric's Law was our partner)
Quilting Project: Each square created by clients to tell their story
Understanding Credit: Focus is to help clients to understand credit and how it affects
Our programs are comprehensive, informative and used to educate. Our goal is to uplift and give each client knowledge to pass on to their children and give these families tools to not just survive but thrive.